Alith Videos 06 - 12 Man Rift Raid pt2 by Belazarus
Class: Multiple | Category: PvP | Server : EU - Spatalos
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Movie Summary
Hi again all! This is a documentary on our legion's first full 12 man rift raid to Asmodae. Please take the time to watch the entire clip as well as the second part as a lot of effort went into this video.
Hope you enjoy!

Due to the fact this raid lasted over an hour, and had a lot of highlights, it was a challenge to condense all this into just a few minutes. In the end i've created a 15 minute video (which unfortunately is split into 2 parts). This is deffo one of my best productions and it really captures the spirit of the legion well - plenty of dry humour and wit. And of course, lots of asmo crunching hehe.

Alith are a social, friendly, non-hardcore legion on the Spatalos EU server, Elyos faction. We are PvE focussed but do dabble with PvP on occasion. We pride ourselves in being a legion who play Aion for both the fun and community aspect and we dont involve ourselves in the hardcore pvp politics of larger legions. We have an official website, ventrilo server and event calendar, amongst other things. If you're interested in joining the family or finding out more about us, please visit our site at:
Alternatively you can whisper myself, Belazarus in game at any time.

Hope you enjoy the rest of the videos Alith have to offer.

Belazarus (Alith Legion Leader)

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